Respect the rights of others and be kind to them, they are Gods like you are; therefore treat them in a divine manner and don't resist their wrong actions. We are part of a society of Gods. After our lives in this reality are over we will enjoy eons as immortals on planets designed by us to fulfill all our desires. Upon these planets we will enjoy the society of those we love; we have always known them throughout the Eternities in some way or another. Because of these assurances we can have peace in giving up attachments which cause us pain. Love can both let go and embrace. We should submit our will to the will of God, which is the infinite, in having no expectations. You are part of the infinite sea of God; our five senses that allow our higher Self to experience, also prove to us that we are infinite, without beginning or end. We will go on to the Eternal Worlds, and will also experience infinite lives and cycles, as we have before. There is balance in all infinite spectrums, and Eternal cycles without beginning or end, and infinite planes and possibilities. There is an infinite multiplicity to all things, there are not only worlds without end, but also Gods without end, lives without end, and joy without end. All things are infinite and follow the Way.

The Book of Zalmoxis

Translated by Frederick

Section One

          The Mind of man, wiped clean at birth but not created, fearing death but not destroyed! You are Eternal, beginning-less and endless, equal with God. You have lived every life; you will live every life, in every possible place. Is birth a choice? Can we overcome it by quenching our desire for it, as those along the Indus preach? You do not know your Eternal Mind and what it desires. Your mind is irreparably changed every time you take off the actor’s gown. Now to the Greek: You do not know Thyself. You cannot know Thyself without again becoming thy Eternal Self, and if you go back to him, you will be him; this life is just one small part of yourself, your current desires are just an expression of his pen.

          Immortality is not something to be desperately grasped at, it is universal and inescapable; God cannot destroy you. God cannot create you. God cannot stop you from your Eternal course. God cannot do these things because your Eternal Mind is God, there is no God but our Eternal Minds. Our Eternal Mind lives in the un-manifest, it experiences all things and all lives, and when it hath made one Eternal round, which is to know (experience) everything, it wishes to continue. Or there is no distinction to its beginning or ending, for every life is the beginning of its Eternal Round depending upon its perspective of a ring; and every life its desire. To live without desire is only one of its experiences, although when it awakes to itself, it is itself again. Eternal lives are inescapable, because they who have experienced all things, of desire and none desire, continue to Eternally desire it; and will forever and ever.

          Life is not all misery, and it is not all joy; its struggle is its appeal, the contrast of its stories its sweet aroma. Our Eternal Minds desire it because they know it, and they know that through all its contrast, Love and Intelligence are its final defining features; even its tragedy and loss, and the tears of whole worlds are the salt that gives it its taste. The Mind that is without beginning or end deeply loves Eternal lives above all things; for when it is all seen together, it is a vision. A Vision of Visions! Like a candle in a dark room, the desire to know Eternal worlds and Eternal lives is immutable. All will see and experience all, although we can see all these worlds that we wish in this life if our Minds push against the current that leads us to darkness. The darkness of which I speak is the darkness and ignorance of un-attachment. Passion is the joy and rich inheritance of Eternities upon Eternities, infinite jewels of lives reflecting upon each other, the contrast of which is the music of infinite time and space.

          Nothing is something we have never been and never will be, although the fear and sadness of suffering calls us to sleep. The spirit of desire-less-ness is ever trying to push us towards nothingness, although it is only a simulation of nothingness. This is not darkness, for darkness is an entire world of imagination to a truly sleeping mind. This un-attachment is the only form of death that can exist. Death does not exist, and our Eternal Minds are ever watchful. The desires which are in them distill into reality; first into subtle reality, and then into gross reality. These Eternal Minds see the beauty in all things, in darkness and in light, in pleasure and in pain; and it is their poetry which echoes throughout infinite time. The words of their poetry are Eternal, they have said them before in an unending anterior procession and they will say them again unendingly. They are in love with life and reality, and those who are in the sleep of despising it because they are afraid of suffering are they who are asleep to themselves, but when they awake, they will continue on as they always have, worlds without end!

          We should joy in life, and in unending time, we are immortal, without beginning or end. Some would despair at this, but it is only because they have not seen the Vision which our Higher Minds have seen!

Section Two coming soon...